Sleep and Rest

Content related to healthy sleep strategies and issues related to poor sleeping and poor rest.

Sleep Disorders

Sleep Disorders


Poor sleep is a major cause of serious morbidity including accidents, psychiatric sequelae and reduced quality of life, and has a major economic impact

v Stages of Sleep and the EEG:

Non-REM sleep: (REM: Rapid Eye Movement)

Stage 1: mixed frequency, low voltage. Alfa ? (8-12 Hz) and Theta ? (4-6 Hz). Stage 2: low voltage, slower frequencies. Contains sleep spindles (12-14 Hz) and high amplitude ‘k’ complexes Stage 3 & 4: high amplitude, low frequency Delta ? (2 Hz) waves. Stage 3 characterized by < 50% ? waves with sleep spindles. Stage 4 by > 50% ? waves but no sleep spindles. Stage 3 & 4 comprise slow wave sleep (SWS). As sleep progress through stages 1 to 4 low frequencies increase at the expense of the higher frequencies which are characteristic of waking.

REM sleep (paradoxical sleep):

The EEG shows a low voltage, mixed frequency spectrum with characteristics of cortical activation. It is associated with rapid eye movements, signs of autonomic arousal and paradoxical low muscle tones, and this is when dreams occur.

Sleep architecture:

From waking, individuals pass through stages 1 to 4, then into REM sleep. REM sleep then alternates with non-REM. REM compromise 20% of total sleep time, and occurs at 80 to 90 minutes intervals. Stages 3 and 4 comprise 15-20% of total sleep time. The majority of time is spent in stage 2. SWS occurs mainly early on in sleep with REM sleep later. SWS and REM sleep are highest in neonates, and decrease in amount with increasing age.

Function of sleep:

Theories about the function of sleep include conservation of energy versus brain or body restoration. REM sleep has been proposed to reflect brain functions, and SWS to be associated with bodily functions (related to the amount of energy expanded, it is increased with exercise and decrease with hypothyroidism). It has been suggested that sleep can be core and optional sleep based on observations that:

Only 30% of total sleep lost is regained after sleep deprivation, especially SWS and REM. Short sleepers have similar early sleep pattern to longer sleepers Gradual sleep reduction down to five hours is well tolerated.

Control of sleep:

The reticular activating system is involved in arousal, and the induction of sleep is active rather than passive process. The Yerkes-Dodson curve describes the phenomena of increasing then decreasing performance with increasing arousal. The peak is reached and exceeded more quickly for difficult than easy tasks. Poor sleep affects the ability to perform simple, mundane tasks but not more complex ones which require more attention. Drugs can affect both performance (via drowsiness) and sleep, for example, antidepressants, antipsychotics, benzodiazepines, antihistamines and alcohol.

v Clinical Syndromes:


Insomnia: 30% in one year Nightmares: occasional in 50% of adults, regular in 1% Sleep apnoea: 4-8% of men; 2-4% of women Narcolepsy: 0.15%


Dysomnias: poor sleep Medical/psychiatric sleep disorder: i.e. secondary Parasomnias: abnormalities during sleep Specific sleep disorders.

1. Insomnia: this represents lack of sleep, poor quality of sleep or reduced daytime performance. It is probably the commonest complaints presented to primary health care; for example in the USA 42% prevalence. Hypnotic use is still common despite changes in guidelines (esp. in this country). Primary insomnia is rare. Causes of insomnia include:

Psychiatric disorders (36%) Psychophysiological insomnia ‘sleeplessness phobia’ (16%). Features include: the complaint of insomnia and reduced performance when awake, trying too hard to get to sleep, tension, physical symptoms, increased sleep latency, reduced sleep efficiency and increased number of awakenings. Medications, illicit drugs and alcohol (12%) Periodic limb movement disorders (12%) Sleep apnoea (6%) Pseudo-insomnia (6%) Sleep-wake schedule disorder (6%) Medical disorders (6%)

However, social and personal factors are also very important in determining who present, for example women report insomnia twice as often as men, and rates are higher in the unemployed

2. Parasomnias: these are acute, undesirable, specific, episodic physical phenomena which occur during, or are exacerbated by sleep. There is an interaction between psychological (esp. stress) and biological factors. Generally treat with reassurance, education and practical advice. These occur in different stages of sleep:

Ø SWS: disorders of arousal; sleepwalking and night terrors. Sleepwalking is often exacerbated by excessive sleepiness. Night terrors occur early in sleep, the individual is difficult to rouse and generally has no recall. Ø REM sleep: patients rouse easily. These are usually nightmares or dream anxiety attacks which are frightening, with clear recall. They may be related to psychological precipitants, fever or drug withdrawal (BDZ, antidepressant, alcohol). Other disorders are sleep-related cluster headaches and sleep related asthma; the REM sleep behaviour disorders which involve loss of the usual atonia in REM sleep so the individual acts out dreams which are often violent. Ø Other Parasomnias: Enuresis (patients may have different sleep patterns and therefore not able to sense the need to urinate); bruxism (teeth-grinding); head banging; familial sleep paralysis.

3. Specific sleeps disorders:

Ø Narcolepsy: characterized by hypersomnolence, cataplexy, sleep paralysis and hypnogogic hallucinations (tetrad is Gelineau’s syndrome). 50% also have major affective disorder and / or personality problems. Aetiology suggests genetic cause as family history is common and HLA-DR2 found in 99%. Onset is generally in the teens or twenties. Sleep attacks are irresistible in boring situations (like this lecture!), and cataplexy is often related to emotions. There is a short REM latency. Narcolepsy can be treated with psychostimulants, and support groups are helpful. Ø Periodic limb movement disorder: there are repetitive and stereotyped movement during sleep and the patient is often unaware. It may lead to poor sleep and daytime fatigue, also depression and anxiety. Found in narcolepsy, obstructive sleep apnoea, Parkinson’s disease and metabolic disorders. It can be aggravated by tricyclics and withdrawal from BDZ. Ø Kline-Levine syndrome: this occurs generally in adolescent boys, and is characterized by periods of hypersomnia and overeating, often with change in libido.

4. Other sleep-related problems:

Ø Circadian rhythm disorders: this describes changes in the timing of sleep, for example in people on shifts and with jetlag. Ø Daytime sleepiness: Narcolepsy, obstructive sleep apnoea, sleep-related motor disorders, depression, post-viral fatigue, head injury, metabolic, toxic and drug related factors, essential hyper-somnolence, and older age can all cause daytime sleepiness. v Assessment Patient’s description of the problem, including the onset, length and quality of sleep, and any daytime drowsiness or reduced performance Objective observations by patient and spouse/relative. Possible general medical, psychiatric or drug problems. Details of sleep environment and hygiene Drug history, both prescribed and recreational. Current circumstances and stress Sleep diary including caffeine, alcohol and drugs.

People often overestimate the length of time to get to sleep, even to the extent that good and poor sleepers can have similar sleep pattern. However the quantity of sleep can be relied on in assessing the presence of insomnia.

v Management

1. General advice:

Treatment of any underlying cause. Education and advice on sleep hygiene. Optimizing the temperature at the room Encouraging a regular routine Exercising late in the afternoon Small food intake in the evening Relaxation techniques Advice about problem solving and dealing with intrusive thoughts (CBT can be used and has good evidence based results).

2. Role of drugs in sleep:

•a)    Drugs used to improve sleep:

Particularly benzodiazepines (BDZ), which can be used in short-term treatment for poor sleep associated with acute stress. BDZ reduce REM and SWS, increase stage 2. Tolerance and REM sleep rebound occur on discontinuation. Barbiturates are no longer should be used due to its narrow therapeutic window, high addictiveness, tolerance and death in overdose.

 Zopiclone (new generation partial BDZ, only used as hypnotic) increase SWS, and although early reports claimed less tolerance and dependence, recently this has been disputed.

New Melatonin derivatives medication has been just licensed for sleep, some evidence point toward better results with elderly, and may be autism. These have few side effects and do not interfere with sleep architecture.

•b)    Drugs used to reduce sleepiness:

These are for example amphetamine, pemoline and selegiline. These reduce total sleep, REM and SWS, delay sleep onset and cause fragmented sleep.

•c)     Drugs used to treat psychiatric disorders:

Antidepressants: some are alerting e.g. Prozac (fluxoetine), MAOI; some are sedatives, which is generally related to their anticholinergic properties (most tricyclic), or antihistaminic (Mirtazepine). In general, antidepressants suppress REM sleep. Interestingly, sleep deprivation is still used as treatment for depression and the target is to reduce REM sleep. Mood-stabilizers: Lithium reduces REM sleep and delay onset. Carbamazepine reduces REM sleep and increase SWS, and can cause initial drowsiness. Anti-psychotics: These reduce periods of wakefulness, increase or decrease REM sleep, depending on the dose. Total and REM sleep are reduced on stopping.

•d)    Non-psychotropic drugs:

These can affect sleep by crossing the BBB, or by causing or exacerbating a disorder which disrupt sleep (e.g. sleep apnoea). Common causes of sleep disturbance include appetite suppressants, anti-emetics, anti-histamine, corticosteroids, cardiovascular drugs and hormones.


•e)     Recreational drugs:

Alcohol promotes sleep in small amounts nut in larger amounts causes insomnia later in the night due to rebound and withdrawal effects. Its effect depends on the level of sleep deprivation, and interactions with other drugs. Nicotine can disrupt sleep. Caffeine causes an increase number of arousal and decrease REM sleep. It has a half-life of five hours. Withdrawal symptoms also occur which disrupt sleep.

•f)      Illicit drugs:

Cannabinoids reduce REM sleep, and increase SWS initially but decrease it after several days. Habitual use leads to excessive sleeping and lassitude, with sleep disturbance on withdrawal. Narcotic analgesics cause a drowsy state followed by reduce REM and SWS. Sleep disturbance occurs on withdrawal. Cocaine reduces total sleep, SWS and REM sleep. Excessive sleeping occurs on withdrawal (rebound). Hallucinogens (e.g. LSD) do not affect sleep directly except by ‘ bad trips’

•g)    Drugs withdrawal:

Sedatives and hypnotics cause rebound insomnia usually for one week but can be for up to two months. Insomnia is more severe but less prolonged for drugs with shorter half-life. Chloral hydrate gives fewer problems with withdrawal but is less efficacious.

Abrupt withdrawal of antidepressant can lead to short-lived rebound insomnia and panic. Antipsychotics rarely cause dependence or withdrawal (therefore small dose, below the therapeutic dose for psychosis treatment, are used to aid sleep in some patients)


1. Shapiro C. ABC of sleep disorders. London: BMJ Publishing Group, 1993.

2. Steple D. Oxford Handbook of Psychiatry, Oxford University Press, 2006

3. Smith G et al. Key topics in Psychiatry. Bios scientific publisher limited, 1996.

4. Boyle D, Davies S. Psychiatry, Mosby’s crash course 2002



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Good Sleep Is One Factor To A Healthy Future! Seven Benefits Of Sleep Comfort Number Bed

By Abraham Varghese

Good Sleep Is One Factor To A Healthy Future!

Seven Benefits of Sleep Comfort Number Bed.

* Sleep Comfort Number Bed helps to improve the sleep quality. Air sleep systems with proper support of your comfort level, you sleep better; waking up relaxed, refreshed and energized. Good sleep is one factor to a healthy future!

* Sleep Comfort Number Bed helps to achieve natural alignment of spinal. When sleeping on air, cushions of air contour to body weight and provide balanced weight distribution, thus helping your spine to have a natural alignment and great support for your body. On too firm a mattress, there can be too much pressure on the body to allow for natural spinal curvature. Too soft a mattress offers only little support, which allows for sinking, thus creating unnatural curves of the spine. However, the air support sleep system provides balanced support for body weight, which helps your spine to have its natural alignment.

* Sleep Comfort Number Bed helps to support your bodies at any age. Our bodies always change size and weight as we age; so various levels of support are necessary to have a comfortable and peaceful night’s sleep. The adjustability of an air bed allows for the many varying firmness needed by our bodies as they change with age. An air sleep system helps to have the perfect support your body needs for the entire life span.

* Sleep Comfort Number Bed helps to meet needs of each partner. Most couple has different sleep needs for a good night’s sleep. The adjustability of the two air chambers of an air sleep system provides for each partners needs to be controlled separately, so that each partner will not have to compromise on a good night’s sleep.

* Sleep Comfort Number Bed may helps to reduce back pain. Air beds may provide the appropriate level of support suggested by chiropractors, but with a softer, more comfortable surface. The adjustability of air bed helps a person with chronic back pain and may notice an immediate relief from pain. Because as the level of air in the mattress is adjusted, his or her back pain can also increase or decrease and this level can be adjusted instantly with the touch of a button.

* Sleep Comfort Number Bed helps to improve blood circulation, and hence reduce stress. Gentle and balanced support of your entire body with air sleep helps to improve blood circulation, reduce stress and relax aching muscles. By reducing pressure points that can occur in the heavier areas of the body proper circulation may be promoted. With better blood flow through the vessels in these areas, rollovers will be reduced, and more peaceful night’s sleep may be possible.

* Sleep Comfort Number Bed help to reduce pressure points. A study by the University of London shows that “tossing and turning” is related to pressure points on the body. Pressure points are areas where pressure is exerted against the body due to resistance from the bed. This is one of the primary reason people experience unsatisfying sleep. This same study showed that out of eight sleep surfaces tested, the air bed provided the most balanced support to achieve the lowest level of pressure points.

Sleep Comfort Number Bed sleep systems are the result of more than 25 years of development of air sleep systems. The Sleep Comfort Number Bed sleep system is adjustable according to an individual’s preference and the remote control can be used to change the inflation of the chambers, which are enclosed under a mattress surface.

About the Author: Abraham Varghese, President of


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Types Of Natural Sleep Aids

Three of the most commonly used natural sleep aids include kava, melatonin and valerian. These are herbal products that help the body naturally wind down in order to prepare for a full night’s rest. The majority of these items can be purchased over the counter and typically do not need a doctor’s prescription. However, it is best to consult with your doctor before buying any natural sleeping aids. He/she will help diagnose your particular sleep disorder (or if your case is serious enough to warrant the use of natural sleep aids), which can help you figure out which type of natural sleep aid will work best for your needs.

Kava is an herb that serves to naturally combat feelings of anxiety. Having anxiety is a common symptom related to insomnia, which many people suffer from. In natural sleep aids, kava is available for use as a liquid extract, tablet, capsule or beverage. When consumed, kava works as a sedative, which helps insomniacs fall asleep and stay asleep. However, it is important to note that this natural sleep aid should not be used long term since it can cause severe liver damage.

Other natural sleep aids include melatonin, which is actually a naturally recurring hormone in the human body. This hormone works to regulate a person’s sleep cycle and wake cycle. This makes it an obvious choice for use as natural sleep aids. Melatonin comes in capsule or tablet form and is supposed to be taken 30 minutes before going to bed.

Valerian is another herbal product in the natural sleep aids category. This herb can be found in tablet, capsule, tea or liquid extract form and typically takes between 2-3 weeks to take full effect. Valerian should be taken one hour before going to bed.

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Sleep – Why Do Human Being Need Sleep? Stages Of Sleep.

By Sleep Disorders

Sleep – Why do human being need sleep?

Why do human being need sleep?

Not only human beings, mammals, reptiles, and birds need sleep to survive. Our body needs sleep and more importantly, our brain need sleep too. Sleep allows our brain to recharge and helps us to restore and rejuvenate many body functions. During sleep, our body’s major organ and regulatory systems continue to work. While some parts of our brain are more active during sleep time to produce certain kind of hormones.

→ Recharge our brain – During sleep, it gives our brain a time to recharge. Our brain will take a “sleep” and do all the necessary repairing, rejuvenating, reenergizing and restoring.

→ Memory and Learning – During sleep, it gives our brain to reorganize information and long-term memories. It can also help us to process and integrate new information and recover memories.

→ Restore chemicals and Replace muscles – During sleep, it gives time to restore chemicals and replace muscles which are being exhausted during aware.

→ Immune System – Sleep can affect immune system. During sleep, it gives our body to replace and renew tissues, nerve cells and aging cells By strengthening our immune system, it helps keeping us from sickness.

→ Growth – Sleep can affect growth especially in children and teenagers when certain hormone is actively produce during sleep.

→ A rest of our heart and lungs – During sleep, it gives our heart and lungs a time to rest. Study shows that people with normal or high blood pressure can have a 20-30% reduce in pressure and a 10-20% reduce in heart rate.

What if we do not have enough sleep?

→ Heavy and groggy feeling

→ Trouble in concentration

→ Poor memory and poor judgment

→ Loss of energy

→ Fatigue

→ Drop in performance

→ Behavior and personality changes

→ Injuries and accidents

Sleep – Stages of Sleep

Stage 1 (Drowsiness) – Our brain gives the signal to our heart to beat at a slower rate, give signal to our body for a drop in body temperature, to our muscles for a slow in muscle activity and our eyes to more slowly under the eyelids. During this stage, it takes about 5 – 10 minutes for us to fall asleep.

Stage 2 (Light Sleep) – After a while, we are in light sleep. Our heart beat has slows, body temperature has drops, muscles has slow and eyes movement has stop. We can be easily waken up during this stage.

Stage 3 (Slow Wave Sleep) – We are now in deeper sleep and cannot be waken up easily. Some people may have a sleepwalk while Children may experience bedwetting at this stage.

Stage 4 (Deep Sleep) – We are in deepest sleep and is very difficult to wake up at this stage. If being awaken, we can be confused and disoriented for a few minutes.

Stage 5 (REM Sleep or Dream Sleep) – REM stand for rapid eye movement. We enter into REM Sleep after 90 minutes in our sleep cycle. Our eyes will move back and forth rapidly beneath our eyelids, our heart will beat faster and breathe less regularly. We can have 2 – 5 REM every night. We dream during REM sleep.

More information on Sleep Apnea,Insomnia,Sleep Disorders & Snoring, please visit

About the Author: More information on Sleep Apnea,Insomnia,Sleep Disorders & Snoring, please visit


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Use These 4 Sleep Remedies To Get A Better Night's Sleep

Thousands of Americans complain to their physicians about not being able to sleep properly. According to WHO, the average amount of sleep a person should have every night is eight hours. Hundreds of thousands of people are reporting an average of six and a half hours.

If you are one of those people who find sleep difficult to catch, instead of turning to over the counter sleep pills, try some of these natural sleep remedies. Chances are, if you are finding it difficult to sleep, you are also leading a stressful life with a job that takes up most of your time. Try these sleep remedies to help bring you back to a healthy lifestyle.

Exercise At Least 30 Minutes A Day

You have heard it before and you will hear it again. Exercise is a natural cure for mild insomnia and a stress buster. If you are stressed out with the busy activities of your week and have not been able to sleep well at night, try some regular strenuous exercise. Exercising once a day will help clear your mind of the many thoughts of the day and give your body the physical movement that it needs. With your blood circulating and your heart pumping harder, you will find sleep comes to you sooner and stays with you longer.

Magnesium and Calcium Supplements

Calcium and magnesium are both supplements that help your body feel sleepy. Have you ever drank a cup of hot milk and felt like going to sleep afterwards? Calcium taken with magnesium helps eliminate the risk of heart troubles caused by taking calcium alone. Take a ratio of 2 parts magnesium to every 6 parts calcium, but do not take over 200 milligrams of magnesium. Always check with your doctor before taking any kind of supplements. You should get a professional’s approval before trying this method.

Taking Hops

Hops are the female flowers used to make beer. If you like beer, you are going to love this. Hops has long been used to help sedate patients suffering from insomnia. Taking a small dosage of hops extract – about 60 milligrams – before you go to sleep will help you sleep like a baby. Again, check with your doctor before taking any supplements, natural or pharmaceutical.


Meditation has actual medical benefits. Yoga is the practice of controlled breathing and positioning your body for good blood circulation. Try meditation and yoga class three or four times a week and see what happens. You should find a natural solution to your sleep disorders in this list of sleep remedies.

Are you looking for the best insomnia remedies? Be sure to visit my site for sleep tips to help you get a good night’s sleep.

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Continued here: Use These 4 Sleep Remedies To Get A Better Night’s Sleep

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