Types Of Natural Sleep Aids

Three of the most commonly used natural sleep aids include kava, melatonin and valerian. These are herbal products that help the body naturally wind down in order to prepare for a full night’s rest. The majority of these items can be purchased over the counter and typically do not need a doctor’s prescription. However, it is best to consult with your doctor before buying any natural sleeping aids. He/she will help diagnose your particular sleep disorder (or if your case is serious enough to warrant the use of natural sleep aids), which can help you figure out which type of natural sleep aid will work best for your needs.

Kava is an herb that serves to naturally combat feelings of anxiety. Having anxiety is a common symptom related to insomnia, which many people suffer from. In natural sleep aids, kava is available for use as a liquid extract, tablet, capsule or beverage. When consumed, kava works as a sedative, which helps insomniacs fall asleep and stay asleep. However, it is important to note that this natural sleep aid should not be used long term since it can cause severe liver damage.

Other natural sleep aids include melatonin, which is actually a naturally recurring hormone in the human body. This hormone works to regulate a person’s sleep cycle and wake cycle. This makes it an obvious choice for use as natural sleep aids. Melatonin comes in capsule or tablet form and is supposed to be taken 30 minutes before going to bed.

Valerian is another herbal product in the natural sleep aids category. This herb can be found in tablet, capsule, tea or liquid extract form and typically takes between 2-3 weeks to take full effect. Valerian should be taken one hour before going to bed.

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Sleep – Why Do Human Being Need Sleep? Stages Of Sleep.

By Sleep Disorders

Sleep – Why do human being need sleep?

Why do human being need sleep?

Not only human beings, mammals, reptiles, and birds need sleep to survive. Our body needs sleep and more importantly, our brain need sleep too. Sleep allows our brain to recharge and helps us to restore and rejuvenate many body functions. During sleep, our body’s major organ and regulatory systems continue to work. While some parts of our brain are more active during sleep time to produce certain kind of hormones.

→ Recharge our brain – During sleep, it gives our brain a time to recharge. Our brain will take a “sleep” and do all the necessary repairing, rejuvenating, reenergizing and restoring.

→ Memory and Learning – During sleep, it gives our brain to reorganize information and long-term memories. It can also help us to process and integrate new information and recover memories.

→ Restore chemicals and Replace muscles – During sleep, it gives time to restore chemicals and replace muscles which are being exhausted during aware.

→ Immune System – Sleep can affect immune system. During sleep, it gives our body to replace and renew tissues, nerve cells and aging cells By strengthening our immune system, it helps keeping us from sickness.

→ Growth – Sleep can affect growth especially in children and teenagers when certain hormone is actively produce during sleep.

→ A rest of our heart and lungs – During sleep, it gives our heart and lungs a time to rest. Study shows that people with normal or high blood pressure can have a 20-30% reduce in pressure and a 10-20% reduce in heart rate.

What if we do not have enough sleep?

→ Heavy and groggy feeling

→ Trouble in concentration

→ Poor memory and poor judgment

→ Loss of energy

→ Fatigue

→ Drop in performance

→ Behavior and personality changes

→ Injuries and accidents

Sleep – Stages of Sleep

Stage 1 (Drowsiness) – Our brain gives the signal to our heart to beat at a slower rate, give signal to our body for a drop in body temperature, to our muscles for a slow in muscle activity and our eyes to more slowly under the eyelids. During this stage, it takes about 5 – 10 minutes for us to fall asleep.

Stage 2 (Light Sleep) – After a while, we are in light sleep. Our heart beat has slows, body temperature has drops, muscles has slow and eyes movement has stop. We can be easily waken up during this stage.

Stage 3 (Slow Wave Sleep) – We are now in deeper sleep and cannot be waken up easily. Some people may have a sleepwalk while Children may experience bedwetting at this stage.

Stage 4 (Deep Sleep) – We are in deepest sleep and is very difficult to wake up at this stage. If being awaken, we can be confused and disoriented for a few minutes.

Stage 5 (REM Sleep or Dream Sleep) – REM stand for rapid eye movement. We enter into REM Sleep after 90 minutes in our sleep cycle. Our eyes will move back and forth rapidly beneath our eyelids, our heart will beat faster and breathe less regularly. We can have 2 – 5 REM every night. We dream during REM sleep.

More information on Sleep Apnea,Insomnia,Sleep Disorders & Snoring, please visit http://sleepapnea-insomnia.blogspot.com

About the Author: More information on Sleep Apnea,Insomnia,Sleep Disorders & Snoring, please visit http://sleepapnea-insomnia.blogspot.com

Source: www.isnare.com

Permanent Link: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=224394&ca=Family+Concerns

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Use These 4 Sleep Remedies To Get A Better Night's Sleep

Thousands of Americans complain to their physicians about not being able to sleep properly. According to WHO, the average amount of sleep a person should have every night is eight hours. Hundreds of thousands of people are reporting an average of six and a half hours.

If you are one of those people who find sleep difficult to catch, instead of turning to over the counter sleep pills, try some of these natural sleep remedies. Chances are, if you are finding it difficult to sleep, you are also leading a stressful life with a job that takes up most of your time. Try these sleep remedies to help bring you back to a healthy lifestyle.

Exercise At Least 30 Minutes A Day

You have heard it before and you will hear it again. Exercise is a natural cure for mild insomnia and a stress buster. If you are stressed out with the busy activities of your week and have not been able to sleep well at night, try some regular strenuous exercise. Exercising once a day will help clear your mind of the many thoughts of the day and give your body the physical movement that it needs. With your blood circulating and your heart pumping harder, you will find sleep comes to you sooner and stays with you longer.

Magnesium and Calcium Supplements

Calcium and magnesium are both supplements that help your body feel sleepy. Have you ever drank a cup of hot milk and felt like going to sleep afterwards? Calcium taken with magnesium helps eliminate the risk of heart troubles caused by taking calcium alone. Take a ratio of 2 parts magnesium to every 6 parts calcium, but do not take over 200 milligrams of magnesium. Always check with your doctor before taking any kind of supplements. You should get a professional’s approval before trying this method.

Taking Hops

Hops are the female flowers used to make beer. If you like beer, you are going to love this. Hops has long been used to help sedate patients suffering from insomnia. Taking a small dosage of hops extract – about 60 milligrams – before you go to sleep will help you sleep like a baby. Again, check with your doctor before taking any supplements, natural or pharmaceutical.


Meditation has actual medical benefits. Yoga is the practice of controlled breathing and positioning your body for good blood circulation. Try meditation and yoga class three or four times a week and see what happens. You should find a natural solution to your sleep disorders in this list of sleep remedies.

Are you looking for the best insomnia remedies? Be sure to visit my site for sleep tips to help you get a good night’s sleep.

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Continued here: Use These 4 Sleep Remedies To Get A Better Night’s Sleep

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The Worst Sleep Disorder…Ever and Why You Need Sleep for Health, Beauty and Greater Intuition

Sleep is a Necessity, Not a Luxury

Millions of people suffer from chronic and pervasive sleep disorders. But what you are about to read is not about traditional sleep disorders like insomnia, sleep apnea, night terrors, restless leg syndrome, or narcolepsy. For information on those conditions, I ask you to check with a professional source in that area. What I am providing for you here is the most preventable type of sleep disorder and problem; self-imposed sleep deprivation.

What happened to us? When did things begin to change regarding one of our most basic and necessary functions for health and wellness? When did sleep become frowned upon and why? Was it the Industrial revolution? Was it the Technology age? Who did the brainwashing?

When did sleep become a bad habit, a sign of laziness and, pardon me, a luxury?

Well, finally the research is out. But sadly, it seems that no matter how much information is put out there with statistics and fancy research results, many people are NOT heeding the call to sleep. The worst of it is that we are not listening to our own intuition and biological clocks. Well this is your “wake-up” call asking you to sleep more and sleep better.

How Sleep Deprivation Harms You

Did you ever hear or say the phrase “I’ll sleep when die”? Well, guess what? Lack of sleep will catch up to you and cause you overall and long-term harm which could actually lead to premature death, or at least have you looking like a zombie!

Here below are the most common effects of the lack of proper sleep:

* Fatigue and exhaustion.
* Irritability and foul mood.
* Your physical appearance is affected adversely, meaning people who don’t sleep enough look unhealthy, sunken in, older than their physical age-have you heard of beauty sleep?
* Increased risk of diabetes.
* Increased risk of cardio-vascular disease.
* Pre-mature aging.
* Weight gain.
* And possible increased cancer risk.

Purpose of Sleep and Its Benefits-From Sleeping Beauty to Beauty Sleep

Sleep is most assuredly a biological, mental, emotional and spiritual necessity. Just like we need air to breathe and food for sustenance to survive, sleep is a required activity, and not an optional habit. Here are some of the documented benefits of sleep:

* Biological: While you sleep, there is restoration and recovery of your cells, muscles and organs, including your biggest organ-your skin. Human Growth Hormone and Melatonin are released while you sleep and that is essential to healthy skin, hair, nail growth and anti-aging benefits. There is also the release of antioxidants and increased immune system strength. With enough sleep there is increased energy, and we can all use more of that during our waking life.
* Mental: With more sleep, you can expect a sharper mind, better concentration, and increased memory. A more intelligent world is a better world.
* Emotional: Forget being crabby. With restorative sleep you will have better and balanced mood, less irritability, higher optimism.
* Spiritual: Two of my favorite reasons to sleep are to “work things out” and increase in natural intuition. We are only beginning to understand and explore both the physical and the metaphysical benefits of sleep. From personal experience and the research I have conducted, I can tell you that when you sleep at your body’s optimal level, your intuition and psychic ability are increased. You may also tend to remember your dreams more clearly and with more detail and that provides invaluable insight into your life issues, challenges and desires.
* Physical: Sleeping works above and below. The result is literally increased beauty by increasing your overall health and giving you a refreshed appearance everyone will notice.

Your Sleep Process

How many hours do you sleep? Do you feel it is more productive to sleep less and work more? Are you feeling vital and energetic?

I say “your sleep process” because each person’s sleep cycle is. There is no cookie-cutter sleep recipe. The amount of sleep you need varies from anyone else’s in your life. Even if you sleep the same amount of sleep as someone you know, the way you drift off, your style of sleeping, the sleep position in your bed, your dream life, kind mattress or pillow you need, etc. is all your own. But more often than not, the amount you need to feel refreshed, alert and healthy will be somewhere between 7 and 9 hours. There are also factors like your age, phase of life and general health condition that affect how much sleep you need. However some people need less and some, like me, need as much as 11 or 12 hours sometimes to feel rested.

Most people do not get nearly as much sleep as they need out of guilt or the conditioned belief that sleep is a bad habit. But in the process of sleep certain biological, mental and spiritual necessary processes occur. It may take time to find the amount of sleep that works for your highest health benefit. So make that time for yourself-you are worth it.

What the Heck is Sleep Hygiene-Creating a Sleep Conducive Environment and Banishing Sleep guilt

I don’t know who came up with the term “Sleep Hygiene” but it sounds like, cleaning your sheets, or a showering before bed kind of thing. That is obviously not what it means. I believe the term does not accurately represent what it is trying to portray which is what I call, creating a Sleep Conducive Space (SCS).

Some sleep experts claim to restrict your bedroom, (assuming you sleep in a traditional bedroom) to sleep and sex only. But this is simply not realistic. But what is doable is to create the most conducive environment for yourself as possible. This process begins outside and into your bed. General useful considerations are:

* Watch your caffeine intake, alcohol intake or medications.
* Do something that lowers the temperature of your room to the cooler side.
* Gentle stretching and certain gentle yoga poses.
* Darken your environment (whether or not you are a day or night person).
* Quiet a restless mind by having note pad and pen and list quickly all that’s on your mind to deal with another time then RELEASE it.
* Try to use soft and pleasant scents like lavender sleep sprays.
* Try soft nature sounds, or you respond to silence and there is a lot of noise around you use a white sound machine to block out unpleasant noise.
* Ask a doctor or other professional about supplements like Melatonin, or Valerian root etc.

In the end, the way you choose to create a sleep conducive space, will again, be unique and customized to you. If you do the research, reacquaint yourself with your natural biological clock, and trust your intuition, you will no longer succumb to the myth the less sleep is better. You can count on being on your way to better overall health. For a healthier, youthful and more beautiful you, go ahead, slumber Away.
Author: Diana Navarro –
Read more: http://www.articlesbase.com/sleep-articles/the-worst-sleep-disorderever-and-why-you-need-sleep-for-health-beauty-and-greater-intuition-3576170.html#ixzz1LRbWWePK
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Should I Go For Otc Or Natural Sleep Aids

Are you getting difficulty sleeping? Rest – it appears like it must be so effortless however above 50% of men and women will, at some stage in their living, have trouble falling asleep. You can find a number of various sorts of insomnia -short term, chronic, difficulty falling asleep, difficulty staying asleep, waking up early or poor sleep in general. Stress, anxiousness, depressive disorders, drugs, tobacco, alcohol as well as caffeine can trigger or worsen difficulty sleeping. What do we do for the next morning to fight our sleepiness? Caffeine! -which worsens stress/anxiety/depression as well as quite frequently alcohol the next night -all in attempt to trick our bodies as well as thoughts into feeling “well rested.” Our thoughts do not assistance either…we now have problems slipping asleep, what do we start thinking? “Oh bother, I can’t fall asleep…now I will only get 5 several hours of slumber…what if I do not fall asleep…then tomorrow is proceeding to suck…” as well as on as well as on -a vicious cycle! When we have sleep disorders as well as invest our nights rolling restlessly on our bed and also staring in the ceiling we can get desperate to discover a very good all natural sleep aid. In our desperation, we are able to attempt so numerous solutions as well as all natural sleep aid with out examining whether or not they are trustworthy rest products and also whether or not they are very good for our wellness. We will need to not believe all that’s discovered on the internet. Numerous companies are keen only in marketing their all natural sleep aids plus they are not worried about buyer security. So it gets really essential that you just grow to be a accountable buyer by selecting only trusted products. You should not topic your self to unnecessary dangers by deciding on unwarranted goods for the sleep.

You can discover a number of all natural sleep aids on the internet for slumber problems. Most on the items which you come across are compound products that attempt to induce rest by means of chemical substances. This isn’t a natural method of falling asleep. Although you might uncover short-term relief via such goods, you might be really likely to possess complications at a later stage. You may experience a lot of side effects and also wellbeing connected troubles which are extremely complex. You must consequently attempt to stay clear of these kinds of products and solutions and also only consider naturall or herbal sleep remedies with no any unwanted effects. As long as you are going to pick compound supplements you can suffer this kind of complications.

The only reputable sleeplessness remedy therefore is all natural sleep aid. You will likely be in a position to save yourself from unwanted effects along with other wellness issues only by selecting healthy rest aid. If your rest ailments are connected to dietary deficiencies, you are going to be in a position to rectify your troubles in a very healthy way by getting pure sleep minerals. These all natural sleep aid compensate for that minerals which are deficient in our food. As these minerals don’t force your body to rest by means of chemical compounds, it is a organic sleep help. Also these all natural sleep aid do not have any unwanted effects. Even if you take these all natural sleeping aids all of your existence, you won’t produce any dependency or addiction. As opposed to quite a few other sleep products as well as pills, you won’t suffer any hangovers. You are going to be able to carry out normally not having any problem the following day.

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