
Marpac Sleep Mate On Sale

Looking for a good night’s sleep like many thousands of others? Many people are using the Marpac Sleep Mate to help them, and at the end of this article I’ll tell you where you can find the great deals.

Why do you need a Marpac Sleep Mate?

Most of us live in cities where we can easily be disturbed by a variety of different noises and sounds. Our neighbours may come in and slam their car doors at all hours of the night, or the constant roar from jet planes taking off may disturb us. Traffic noise can also play its part in a bad night’s sleep, or the next door neighbour’s dog barking through the night at anything that moves. If we live in a highrise, it might be the people above dragging furniture around, or at least it seems like that, and I’m sure you’ll have plenty of your own source of disturbing noises.

How can a Sleep Mate help you?

Obviously, unless we move away to the country, or to a mountain somewhere, we are going to be bombarded with noise that has the potential to disturb our sleep patterns, making us tired and cranky, or more tired and cranky as the case may be! The Marpac Sleep Mate, or any of the Marpac sound conditioners were developed and patented over 45 years ago, are designed to surround you with natural sounds to help soothe and relax you.

Who Are The products designed for?

Anyone can use these systems, and doctors often recommend them to their sleep deprived patients. Parents use them for their children, and themselves! while business professionals use them in their offices.

Which Marpac Sleep Mate?

There are quite a few different units to choose from depending on your needs and your budget, and they are compact, although obviously the travel version is more compact than others. The units are made in the USA for those of you who are concerned about environmental issues.

Now to find the Marpac Sleep Mate that best suits you, and at the best price, could involve a lot of your time and effort searching for answers, but we have done the research for you, and found some great deals with a reputable company you can deal with, so you save time, money and get peace of mind with your purchase too.

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Read the original here: Marpac Sleep Mate On Sale

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Heads Up! The Way You Are Sleeping May Be Killing You!

Every one of us has a mysterious double life.

For about two thirds of the time we are conscious beings, thinking about the world within and without, and negotiating our ways through the obstacles of life. For the other one third of the time we are nearly lifeless lumps of flesh, unconscious to everything but our own fantasies, as we lie flat in bed asleep. We all know that sleep is important for health. But for an activity that consumes about 8 hours of everyday of life, surprisingly little is thought about the act of sleeping, or the way our culture teaches us to sleep. Sleep behavior, like all human activities, is defined by our culture.

Sometimes, the practices taught by our culture can impact on the way our bodies function. As medical anthropologists, we research ways our cultural practices may be affecting our health. And we have found that the way we have been trained to sleep may be one of the most important causes of various diseases plaguing our society.

Of course, when you consider the culture of sleeping, it includes such isues as the length of time to sleep, and time of day for sleep. Do you take frequent naps or do you sleep 8 hours straight? Do you sleep at night or during the day?

Other issues concern sleepwear. Do you sleep nude, or with pajamas or lingerie? Do you sleep in your underwear? Should the sheets be natural fabrics, such as cotton or silk, or is polyester okay? What about the detergent and fabric softeners used in the sheets, pillow case, and pj’s?

Should you eat before you sleep? What is the impact of watching television before sleep? Should you take sleeping pills to help you sleep?

These are some of the culturally defined issues that help determine how we sleep, all of which may have some potential impact on health. However, there is one cultural issue that tops the list of importance, and which may greatly determine your health status.

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New Age Dawning: Breathe Well, Sleep Well, Age Well

Sleep May Not Be the Number One Factor In staying Young and Healthy

“Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.”

This short proverb can be traced as far back as 1496, and even earlier if you count all its variations. It seems that people have always understood the necessity of a good night’s sleep, but these days quality sleep has become a luxury rather than a necessity. But going without sleep may not be so easy since it’s not something your body can easily do without.

The Growing Sleep Deficit
According to a recent Harvard Health Publications survey, “more people are sleeping less than six hours a night, and sleep difficulties confound 75% of us at least a few nights per week.” Most people are shown to be getting inadequate sleep, and as a result chronic fatigue is a major problem for millions of Americans.

But even with the sleep “catch up” on the weekends there are still those who are tired and listless no matter how many hours of sleep they get. In these circumstances, something else may be awry: the sleepiness patients feel is usually the end result and not the actual cause of their sleepiness. In fact, it may be their poor breathing at night and not the quantity of sleep they’re deprived of.

Breath Well To Sleep Well
Whenever you undergo any form of exercise training, you’re almost always reminded to take long deep breaths and to focus on your breathing. From Pilates, to yoga to running and Tai-Chi, exerting control over one’s breath, especially as it pertains to one’s stamina and endurance, is key to maintaining good form and gaining mastery.

But think what would happen if you couldn’t breathe well while you slept. You’d get more than a flabby body. You’d be headed for some serious health problems. But if you’re suffering from obstructive sleep apnea, or OSA for short, this is exactly what’s happening.

Having Trouble Breathing While Sleeping?
Although all humans have varying degrees of airway narrowing, those with sleep apnea, or its milder variant upper airway resistance syndrome (UARS) have anatomies that are more prone to collapse than others. If you have a triangular facial structure or if you have a long neck or if you have a thick, stocky neck, like a football player, or if your tongue happens to sit higher up on your arches (see diagram), all of these anatomical factors can predispose you to airway obstruction or breathing problems while you sleep. Obesity, or one’s weight is not the primary indicator as once believed for having sleep apnea.

This is why for some OSA and UARS patients, sleeping on their sides or stomaches is an important prerequisite for getting a good nights rest. The reason being that this position, as opposed to sleeping on their backs, gives the tissue around their airway a bit more openness, and their tongues don’t tend to collapse as easily if they were lying flat on their backs, especially in deep sleep when throat muscles tend to relax more.

Although many OSA and UARS patients think they prefer to sleep this way just because this is how they’ve always slept, they may very well have made a choice to sleep this way for very good reason. It’s almost like a reflexive survival mechanism, since these preferences to sleep on our sides or stomachs, may have been formed not by any conscious effort, but as a reflexive coping mechanism for something that’s ailing us. This is why oftentimes when patients come to me with sinus and or chronic fatigue issues, I always ask: “Which position do you prefer to sleep in?” It’s almost a given that if patients like to sleep on their sides or stomaches their airways will look like the opening of a coffee stirrer when I look at their airway with my video endoscope.

Breathing For Life
Although many of us intuitively know that breathing is necessary for life, those with sleep apnea and UARS aren’t breathing for their lives. Even though they’re sleeping and therefore should rest allowing time for their brain, muscles, and organs to reset and replenish, their apneas or frequent breathing cessations are constantly interrupting this process. It’s like their “fight or flight” response is on all the time, even though it needs some time off. Think what would happen to your car if the ignition was never turned off. Well, this is what’s happening with sleep apnea patients.

Problems with Sleep Apnea
There are many serious consequences to having sleep-breathing problems—many of which are preventable yet as I’d mentioned before, this is not very likely because so many people who have this condition are unaware.

For one thing, research has found that sleep apnea is inked with a higher incidence of high blood pressure and heart disease. Many patients that come to me already on high blood pressure medications or have a history of heart disease are found on examination to have some sort of a sleep-breathing disorder.

Some other chronic conditions related to sleep apnea are diabetes, depression and many anxiety issues. Many fatigue and attention deficit problems like ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) in children have also been linked to sleep apnea. A recent study showed that some children having undergone tonsillectomies (where a high percentage of them present with obvious symptoms of OSA) showed significant improvement in their ability to focus and pay attention in schools if not a significantly noticeable decrease in their behavior problems as a result. As you can see, not breathing well while you sleep can have serious consequences for both the old and the young.

When Being Young Is Not Enough
Because sleeping well is almost synonymous in people’s minds with feeling well, looking young and healthy, many people neglect their breathing as a simple fact of life. Little do we realize that this is wherein life originates.

People don’t often ask themselves, “How well did I breathe last night” when they feel groggy and listless in the morning. Instead, most people fixate on the amount of sleep they got or not. This may be the reason why sleeping pills and anti-anxiety medications are so popular in America today.

Moreover, as everyone jumps on the latest new anti-aging rage, breathing is becoming not a secondary, but a tertiary issue in the medical community. In the scheme of holistic or preventative medicine, breathing is often taken as a matter of fact. Although many proponents of these therapies often tout breathing exercises as a means to reducing stress and improving mental wellness they nonetheless overlook this matter when they provide dietary regiments or herbal supplements as sleep aids with little or no regard to the fact that none of these regiments are all that effective unless the mechanism that allows for efficient sleep is working well too. It’s almost like an auto shop owner shoving premium gasoline at customers with cars with broken fuel lodges. Sooner or later, that car is either going to break down or stop dead in its tracks, or at the very least, waste the very good thing you put in to it to make it work better. Similarly, if your sleep problems originate from an anatomical issue, like your airway, no amount of pills or supplements, no matter how potent, can effectively cure your problems with sleep. These problems need to be addressed from the source where it originates—the airway.

Your Breathing Problems Solved
In lieu of giving out bottles of air to my OSA and UARS patients, there are simple measures you can take on your own to improve your breathing while you sleep if you suspect that this may be the source of your problems.

The first most obvious thing I recommend to all my patients who suffer from fatigue issues is to avoid sleeping on their backs. This is one of many reasons why snoring sometimes ceases when people turn over while they sleep. The next best thing to do, if you’re not able to change your sleep position in this way due to an injury or habit, is to lose any excess weight you’ve gained recently. Yet, if you’re still feeling tired or having trouble maintaining focus at work my recommendation will be to get a formal sleep study or polysomnography to determine the root cause of your day time fatigue or exhaustion.

You Want Me To Sleep Where?
A typical “sleep study” takes place in a sleep laboratory where a sleep technician can hook you up to a monitor while you sleep, and a “sleep doctor” can use the readings to objectively measure and quantify the real source of your sleep problems. (Watch meundergo a sleep study.)

Although you may or may not be officially diagnosed with OSA even after the sleep study, I’ve seen many if not a great majority of these patients gain useful information to address any other sleep problems they may be having. Yet, most if not in all cases, patients who I suspect have these conditions, are found to have some mild to moderate breathing component that goes along with their sleep problems. And for these patients, in lieu of treating the underlying breathing problem, no amount of sleeping pills will cure the airway blockage that’s at the root of their sleep problems.

Decelerating the Aging Process
To understand how essential it is to get the sleep you need, it’s equally if not more important to understand how you can get the restorative sleep you need as well.
Essentially, sound sleep offers vital services to your body. After spending a full day learning new skills and having new experiences, sleep allows your brain to shut down its learning mode and consolidate and commit the newly acquired information to memory. Adequate sleep also allows the body to produce the right balance of hormones to help stabilize weight and use carbohydrates efficiently (this may be why research studies show that inadequate sleep is often linked with weight gain). Getting enough sleep also helps to ensure your safety by keeping your brain more alert and in tune with your reflexes preventing injury, and keeping you happy and well adjusted.

Sleep also helps keep the body healthy by boosting your immune function, reducing your chances of getting certain cancers and lowering your blood pressure too. In a nutshell, if you’re not sleeping well, you’re missing out on one of the most valuable methods for keeping you young and healthy for a very long time.

However, ensuring that your good night’s sleep isn’t impaired by breathing problems like Obstructive Sleep Apnea may be more important than sleeping that extra hour of shut eye. As the new-age gurus of aging are telling us, it’s not how old you are chronologically as how old you are biologically. Similarly, if your breathing is impaired while you’re sleeping, your health may not depend so much on how much you sleep every night but how well you’re sleeping through the night, and moreover, how well you’re breathing while you’re asleep. In short, take a closer look at what’s happening on the inside and not on the outside for the answers to your sleep problems. You may be surprised by what you find.

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Read more from the original source: New Age Dawning: Breathe Well, Sleep Well, Age Well

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Sleep: 10 Ways to Get a Good Night's Sleep

Sleep – are you getting enough? For some people, enough is four to six hours. Other people just don’t feel right with less than eight hours. People need more or less sleep at different phases in their life. Women may need more or less sleep at different phases of the month.

The simplest way to tell if you’re getting enough is by noticing every morning – do you feel rested? Do you wake up without an alarm clock and feel ready to get right out of bed and start your day?

Not getting enough sleep is one of the most direct ways that we self-sabotage our success and well-being. When we are better rested we not only feel better, but are calmer, smarter, more rational, nicer to be around and we look better. Why wouldn’t we choose to have that every day??

1. Set the Stage – turn off the computer and television at least one hour before you’d like to fall asleep, and turn on some music that you find relaxing. Test what your stereo system will do when the recording is finished – does it SNAP! or does it “wrrrr” – this will make a difference as you’re drifting off. My CD player makes a very soft “wrrrr” noise (though I honestly can’t remember the last time I was still awake when the CD was over).

2. Music without words – words can provoke and direct your thoughts more than instrumental music or pure vocal sounds.

3. Music with natural “breaths” – music where the soloist takes natural pauses to breathe can help you to slow down your own breath – try flute, other wind instruments or voice (either with no words or words in a language you don’t understand).

4. A good book – For bedtime reading, try to stay away from material that gets you thinking about things you deal with during the day. Magazines or stories that distract you from your own life may help you to drift into sleep.

5. Imagery – If you find that your mind is racing when you are trying to sleep, picture a viewpoint where you’re traveling down a road. See your thoughts as signposts that you’re passing. Concentrate on letting them pass right by.

6. Progressive muscle relxation – Imagine that a ball of light is traveling along your body, beginning at the top of your head, going down to the tips of your toes, and then coming up again. As it passes your muscles, they fill with light and relax.

7. Take a nap – If your sleep has been interrupted or there’ve been unavoidable late nights, an afternoon nap can help you catch up. Experts advise that naps should be taken earlier in the afternoon, rather than later, and that we should keep them to 30 minutes or less. This will avoid disrupting your sleep at night.

8. Lavender Bath – Take a hot bath and add a couple of drops of lavender oil. Lavender has naturally occurring relaxing properties.

9. Chamomile Tea – Calms the nervous system and helps to promote restful sleep.

10. Take 500 mg Calcium with 250 mg Magnesium at bedtime – The calcium has a calming effect, and the magnesium works along with it.

The advice and information in this article is not meant to replace medical advice. If you suspect you have a serious sleeping problem such as sleep apnea, or if you experience insomnia or extreme fatigue, please consult a healthcare professional.

(c) Copyright 2005, Genuine Coaching Services.

Linda Dessau, the Self-Care Coach, is the author of “The Everyday Self-Care Workbook”. To receive one of her free monthly newsletters, subscribe at

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See the original post: Sleep: 10 Ways to Get a Good Night’s Sleep

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