Title: Let’s Talk About Sleep – with Dr. James O’Brien M.D.
Location: Whole Person Health – 294 Pleasant Street Suite 201 Stoughton
Description: Dr. O’Brien is a medical physician who has been in private practice 27 years and first became involved in sleep medicine over 20 years ago when he began to notice that many of his patients, who were not responding to standard medical treatments, actually harbored an undiagnosed sleep disorder. Not surprisingly, many of these patients, when tested and treated for their sleep disorder, improved dramatically and experienced a greater than anticipated clinical result. These early and dramatic patient experiences shifted his medical focus towards sleep disorders and achieving healthy sleep.
Now he joins us to share his knowledge of sleep, its importance in health and disease prevention, and how to improve your sleep patterns.
Dr. O’Brien received his medical degree from New York Medical College , in New York City in 1975 and completed both his internal medicine, pulmonary and sleep medicine training in the Boston area. He is currently board certified in Internal Medicine, Pulmonary Medicine and Sleep Medicine.
Start Time: 7:00 pm
Date: 2011-05-13
End Time: 8:00 pm