Here in Lucidology 101 part 4 we’ll cover 5 new sleep commands that you can use to quickly trick the body into falling asleep so you can end insomnia and have frequent lucid dreams and O.B.E.s.
The Discovery Of The Roll Over Signal And Sleep Paralysis Connection
A while back I had been up all night working on something. Around noon I was very tired and decided to lay down for a few moments. As I lay there I began to feel a very uncomfortable urge to roll over. For no real reason I decided to ignore it and just lay there. To my extreme surprise I felt the paralysis wave roll over me and put me in full sleep paralysis.
The paralysis was completely unexpected. I had always thought it was something you had to be very deeply relaxed to achieve. Instead I was actually fairly tense and my mind was not at all in any kind of meditative state.
I’d accidentally found something that I had never seen in any books on lucid dreaming. The roll over signal itself was all you need to enter paralysis. I spent the next several months