
Herbal Sleep Supplements: Get Deep Sleep Without Side Effects

By Andrew Stratton

Many individuals are turning to natural herbal supplements to help them fall asleep without the prevailing side affects of prescribed, pharmaceutical medications.

Whether it is aches, anxiety, stress or a busy lifestyle, getting the proper amount of sleep can be a challenge. Sleeping is essential to a healthy lifestyle whether it is maintaining the appropriate weight, alleviating depressed feelings, or being mentally alert.

By not getting enough hours in the night, individuals are at risk for diseases and disorders like hypertension, heart attacks, strokes, obesity, emotional disorders, and even substance abuse. However, falling asleep is not always easy.

Melatonin is a natural hormone that is produce in your hypothalamus of the brain and is partly responsible for your circadian cycle (which tells your body when it is time to get up and when it is time to go to bed).

People who suffer from jet lag have their melatonin levels thrown off causing problems sleeping. This is also true of people living in areas with extended daylight hours. Still, other people may just not be producing enough melatonin at the right time to cause the drowsiness and slumbering effects. Taking a natural melatonin supplement can enhance a person’s ability to sleep.

Another naturally occurring supplement to aid in sleeping is tryptophan, which is an amino acid (essential building block, or protein, found in food). Most individuals have experienced tryptophan’s effects after large turkey dinners, which are loaded with it.

A form of tryptophan (5-hydroxytryptophan or 5-HTP) is available over the counter as supplement. This herb is a precursor to serotonin, which is a neurotransmitter (sends messages) in your brain, which regulates sleep. Having an imbalance of serotonin will not only produce slumber disturbances, but can also lead to anxiety and agitation.

A more mild type of herbal supplement that is easy on the stomach and the body is chamomile. It has been used for millennia around the world. It is so mild, in fact, that it can be used regularly, daily even. It is often prepared as a tea but comes in a pill form too. This calming herb not only relaxes the body, but it can sooth stomach aches. It contains natural oils that repairs tissues and reduces inflammation.

Lavender is another natural supplement that has been used for millennia dating back to the Egyptians and Arabians. It has been cultivated throughout the centuries and has been carried by many pilgrims to new lands. The natural oils in the plant have a calming, even a depressing, effect on your central nervous system. The effect is drowsiness and sleep.

These are just a few examples of natural supplements that can be used to aid sleep. It is important to keep in mind that these, and other herbs, have real affects upon our bodies much like pharmaceutical drugs (often without as many side effects). Please note that taking these herbs can interact with medications you are already taking. For further information on any type of supplement, it is important to consult your health advisor.

About the Author: Herbal sleep supplements are a natural, non-narcotic and non-addictive way to calm mental chatter and promote a restful and restorative deep sleep without next day drowsiness. For doctor-formulated supplements that promote optimal health, visit


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Read more here: Herbal Sleep Supplements: Get Deep Sleep Without Side Effects

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Use These 4 Sleep Remedies To Get A Better Night's Sleep

Thousands of Americans complain to their physicians about not being able to sleep properly. According to WHO, the average amount of sleep a person should have every night is eight hours. Hundreds of thousands of people are reporting an average of six and a half hours.

If you are one of those people who find sleep difficult to catch, instead of turning to over the counter sleep pills, try some of these natural sleep remedies. Chances are, if you are finding it difficult to sleep, you are also leading a stressful life with a job that takes up most of your time. Try these sleep remedies to help bring you back to a healthy lifestyle.

Exercise At Least 30 Minutes A Day

You have heard it before and you will hear it again. Exercise is a natural cure for mild insomnia and a stress buster. If you are stressed out with the busy activities of your week and have not been able to sleep well at night, try some regular strenuous exercise. Exercising once a day will help clear your mind of the many thoughts of the day and give your body the physical movement that it needs. With your blood circulating and your heart pumping harder, you will find sleep comes to you sooner and stays with you longer.

Magnesium and Calcium Supplements

Calcium and magnesium are both supplements that help your body feel sleepy. Have you ever drank a cup of hot milk and felt like going to sleep afterwards? Calcium taken with magnesium helps eliminate the risk of heart troubles caused by taking calcium alone. Take a ratio of 2 parts magnesium to every 6 parts calcium, but do not take over 200 milligrams of magnesium. Always check with your doctor before taking any kind of supplements. You should get a professional’s approval before trying this method.

Taking Hops

Hops are the female flowers used to make beer. If you like beer, you are going to love this. Hops has long been used to help sedate patients suffering from insomnia. Taking a small dosage of hops extract – about 60 milligrams – before you go to sleep will help you sleep like a baby. Again, check with your doctor before taking any supplements, natural or pharmaceutical.


Meditation has actual medical benefits. Yoga is the practice of controlled breathing and positioning your body for good blood circulation. Try meditation and yoga class three or four times a week and see what happens. You should find a natural solution to your sleep disorders in this list of sleep remedies.

Are you looking for the best insomnia remedies? Be sure to visit my site for sleep tips to help you get a good night’s sleep.

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Continued here: Use These 4 Sleep Remedies To Get A Better Night’s Sleep

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